Voting NO on Washington State Initiative 2117 on Fantastic Friday!

Published On: August 23, 2024Categories: Fantastic Fridays

Dear Friends, 

As we head into another beautiful weekend, I want to take a moment to discuss something of great importance to all Washingtonians—Washington State Initiative 2117, which will appear on our ballots this fall. This initiative poses a significant threat to the progress we’ve made in our state, and I urge you to join me in voting NO on this harmful measure.

I want to share with you what the impact would be and where you can find more information. As your state representative running for office, I feel it’s my duty to share information and educate constituents.

What is Initiative 2117? Bottom line: I-2117 is a purposely misleading initiative written by a multimillionaire hedge fund owner that won’t do anything to reduce costs for Washington families. Initiative 2117 would end protections for our air, water, forests, and farmland while devastating our transportation and infrastructure programs – including cutting funding for new ferries.

It seeks to eliminate critical state revenue sources, which have been foundational in supporting key public programs. While they make big promises about lowering costs, the only guarantee of I-2117 is that it will mean more pollution in our air and water, and it will severely undermine the state’s ability to fund essential services that millions of Washingtonians rely on every day – from our statewide transportation plan to investments in air quality monitoring, to programs to restore our lakes, river, and streams. That’s why I-2117 is opposed by over 350 organizations across our state – including Tribal Nations, the Washington State Medical Association, and the Washington State Council of Fire Fighters, and so many more.

Three Ways I-2117 Would Hurt Our Communities 

If Initiative 2117 passes, the loss of revenue will have a devastating impact on several state-funded programs that are crucial to our communities. Here are three areas that will be significantly impacted: 

Funding for Transportation: Including for New Ferries: It would devastate Washington’s transportation and infrastructure programs by taking away billions in funding. It would also remove funding for one-quarter of each new ferry purchase as the state works to replace our aging fleet. I-2117 would also remove 100% of the shore power project funding for the new hybrid electric ferries. This would create additional pressures on our overall transportation budget plan.

Clean Air Programs: I-2117 would mean more pollution across Washington state. I-2117 would devastate funding for programs that reduce toxic air, expand our state’s air quality monitoring network, modernize school buildings, prevent wildfires, support clean transportation options, and reduce health disparities in communities most impacted by pollution.

Clean Water & Fish Habitat Programs: It will threaten our rivers, lakes, and streams, and end programs that protect salmon – an issue especially close to my heart. That includes cuts to healthy salmon stream programs and culvert removal programs. That would harm our natural ecosystem and salmon recovery, slow our economy, and limit recreational opportunities for Washingtonians.

I urge you to stand with me in defending our state by voting NO on Initiative 2117 this November. This is not just a vote on a single initiative—it’s a vote for the future of our state.

Let’s continue to build a Washington that provides quality education, access to healthcare, environmental protection, public safety, and affordable housing for all.

How You Can Help 

  1. Spread the Word: Share this newsletter with your friends, family, and colleagues. Let them know that Initiative 2117 would mean more pollution, more traffic, and cuts to billions in public investments in our state.

  2. Volunteer: Join the No on 2117 campaign. Whether it’s phone banking, door-to-door canvassing, or hosting a virtual event, your efforts can make a difference.

  3. Donate: Consider making a contribution to help fund our efforts to defeat Initiative 2117. Every dollar helps us reach more voters and protect our state’s future.

For more information on voting NO on Washington State Initiative 2117, you can visit the following resources:

  1. The main campaign website, which provides detailed information on the costs and impacts of the initiative.

  2. For a breakdown of how Initiative 2117 would affect various state programs, check out this page and follow the campaign on Facebook or Instagram.

  3. If you’re ready to take action, you can pledge to vote NO or get involved with the campaign here.

These resources will provide you with all the information you need to understand the implications of this initiative and how you can help in the effort to defeat it.

In Closing, Together, we can ensure that Washington remains a place where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and a beautiful place to live and work.

Thank you for standing with me in this important fight. Wishing you all a fantastic Friday and a wonderful weekend ahead!

In solidarity,

Debra Lekanoff
Vote Debra Lekanoff
State Representative, Washington State House of Representatives

PS. Remember to mark your calendars for the upcoming events we have planned. Let’s keep the momentum going and make our voices heard!