Voting For Good Candidates on Fantastic Friday!

Published On: October 4, 2024Categories: Fantastic Fridays

Dear Friends, 

In these challenging times for our democracy, the importance of volunteer services for local political action officers and district offices cannot be overstated. Our volunteers embody the very essence of democratic spirit, generously offering their skills, time, and resources to support our communities and uphold the values that form the foundation of our nation’s governance. Today, I want to share with you the profound impact of volunteerism on our local democratic initiatives and highlight the national values of collaboration, support, and civic duty that inspire individuals to engage in this essential service.

Local political action officers and district offices are the frontline champions of our democratic values, playing a crucial role in mobilizing constituents, advocating for important issues, and shaping policies that affect our daily lives. Their effectiveness, however, hinges on the enthusiastic participation of volunteers who are committed to enhancing our communities.

I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the individuals and organizations who have been instrumental in our local democratic efforts. Andrew Redding, Whatcom Dems, Dave and Gerri Torney with San Juan County, Barbara Cooper with Fidalgo Dems, Lynn Campbell of Skagit Dems, and Todd Lagestee with the 40th District, along with their executive teams and volunteers, have all contributed immensely to supporting our campaigns.

These dedicated individuals provide vital support in various capacities, from organizing events and canvassing neighborhoods to conducting phone banks and assisting with grassroots campaigns. Their contributions amplify our messages, build relationships, and foster a sense of community ownership over local political action. Without their tireless efforts, our local offices would struggle to achieve their goals and effectively promote the democratic process.

At the heart of volunteering lies a deep-rooted belief in our national democratic values: equality, justice, and mutual support. Those who volunteer for political action understand the collective responsibility we share in shaping our society. They recognize that democracy thrives when citizens actively engage in civic life and support one another through shared objectives.

Volunteering exemplifies the idea of contributing to a greater cause, whether it’s advancing policy initiatives, participating in local elections, or advocating for marginalized communities. When we come together to work toward a common goal, we not only strengthen our local political institutions but also reinforce our commitment to the values of democracy. This spirit of cooperation fosters an environment where every voice is heard and valued, ensuring that our democratic process remains robust and inclusive.

As we face upcoming races at the local, state, and federal levels, it is crucial that we all work together. In today’s complex political landscape, the importance of supporting one another cannot be overstated. Our volunteers play a critical role in providing assistance, solidarity, and encouragement to those affected by socio-economic challenges, political disenfranchisement, or community crises. Their unwavering dedication to uplifting their neighbors embodies our core democratic values of compassion and resilience.

As we reflect on the essential role of volunteer services in local democratic political action, it is clear that these efforts are fundamental to the health of our democracy. By contributing their time and skills, volunteers not only support our local district offices but also reinforce national democratic values that emphasize collaboration, community, and the importance of standing together in challenging times.

In these critical moments, we must celebrate and encourage volunteerism as a powerful tool for fostering change and creating a more just society.

Together, as engaged citizens, we can uphold the principles of democracy, ensuring that everyone’s voice is heard and valued. Let us nurture this spirit of service, contribute to the democratic process, and support one another as we strive for a brighter future for our communities and our nation.

Keep reading for more on this Fantastic Friday.

Rep. Debra Lekanoff

A Vision for a Unified America

In an era marked by division and uncertainty, the call for unified leadership has never been more pressing. I see Vice President Harris as someone who embodies the qualities necessary to heal our nation and restore America’s position as a global leader. With her proven track record of inclusive leadership and commitment to representing all Americans, she is the ideal candidate to guide us toward a brighter, more united future.

Vice President Harris’s career in public service has been defined by her dedication to addressing the needs of underrepresented communities. Her tenure as California’s Attorney General and her time as a U.S. Senator showcase her determination to create policies that uplift marginalized voices and ensure justice for all. By electing Vice President Harris, we choose a leader who truly understands the diverse fabric of America and possesses the experience to navigate its complexities.

Photo Courtesy of Getty Images

She has consistently advocated for issues that resonate with everyday Americans, such as affordable healthcare, criminal justice reform, and equitable education. These policies reflect her holistic understanding of the struggles faced by working families, particularly those in historically underserved communities. For Vice President Harris, it is about more than just policy; it is about having a leader who sees every American as a valued member of society.

The past few years have exposed deep divisions within our country, exacerbated by political polarization and social unrest. I see in Vice President Harris not only a unifier but also a healer. She has a unique ability to bridge partisan divides with her inclusive approach to governance. Her advocacy for collaboration across the aisle and her history of building coalitions reflect a leadership style that prioritizes dialogue over discord.

Moreover, Vice President Harris’s leadership will not only focus on issues of racial and social justice but also on economic stability and environmental sustainability. By addressing these intersecting challenges, she can create a platform that encourages unity and collaboration among all Americans, regardless of their political beliefs.

Photo Courtesy of The New Yorker

On the international stage, Vice President Harris’s experience on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee has prepared her to restore America’s role as a beacon of democracy and cooperation. She understands the nuances of global diplomacy and recognizes the importance of multilateral partnerships in our rapidly evolving geopolitical landscape.

Electing Vice President Harris would not only signify a step toward inclusive domestic policies but also rejuvenate America’s standing on the world stage. Her ability to communicate effectively and her commitment to human rights make her a leader who can advocate for democratic values internationally, ensuring that America plays a vital role in fostering global collaboration.

As we look toward the future, I firmly believe that electing Vice President Kamala Harris as president is more than just a political decision; it is a choice for unity, healing, and comprehensive representation. Her experience, commitment to inclusivity, and leadership style are essential for an America poised to tackle both domestic challenges and global responsibilities. At this critical moment in history, it is time to rally behind a leader who understands that true strength lies in our diversity and collective power. A vote for Vice President Harris is a vote for an America where every citizen is valued, heard, and represented.

Vote NO on Initiative 2117!

Today I want to provide an important update on Initiative 2117 and to express my deep concern about its potential impact on our great state of Washington. As your elected representative, I believe it’s crucial to inform you about the serious implications this initiative could have on our communities and our future.

Initiative 2117, despite its misleading promises, poses a significant threat to our state’s progress in transportation, environmental protection, and economic stability. After careful consideration and consultation with experts across various sectors, I strongly urge you to vote NO on this harmful proposal.

Let me share with you why I, along with over 400 respected organizations, stand firmly against this initiative:

  1. Devastating Budget Cuts: If passed, I-2117 would result in massive cuts to critical areas such as transportation, air quality investments, clean energy initiatives, and salmon recovery efforts. These are not just numbers on a spreadsheet; they represent real impacts on our daily lives and the future of our state.
  2. Misleading Claims: Proponents of I-2117 claim it will lower gas prices, but there’s no guarantee this will happen. We cannot afford to gamble with our state’s future based on empty promises.
  3. Broad Opposition: An unprecedented coalition of businesses, labor unions, tribal nations, environmental groups, community organizations, and local governments have united against this initiative. When such diverse groups agree, it’s a clear sign that this proposal is not in our best interests.

A safe, affordable, and reliable transportation system is essential for all Washingtonians. However, I-2117 would slash billions from our transportation budget, putting at risk our transit services, ferries, and road projects. This short-sighted approach would not only make traffic worse but also hinder our economic growth and quality of life.

I invite you to learn more about the true costs of I-2117 by visiting It’s crucial that we all understand what’s at stake.

If you would like to get more involved, you can join one of our door-knocking events!

Join the Governor for a door-knocking event near you THIS weekend:

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Whatcom Rally and Door Knocking with Governor Inslee

Date: Saturday, Oct. 5 at 10:30 a.m. PT

Location: Aslan Brewing Co., Bellingham, WA

Everett Rally and Door Knocking with Governor Inslee

Date: Saturday, Oct. 5 at 2:00 p.m. PT

Location: Labor Temple, Everett, WA

To combat this harmful initiative, the No on 2117 campaign is organizing Weekends of Action on August 24-25 and September 7-8. Their goal is to reach 70,000 voters and spread awareness about the dangers of I-2117. I encourage you to get involved by hosting your own event or joining an existing one. Your participation can make a real difference in protecting our state’s future.

As your representative, I am committed to fighting for policies that truly benefit all Washingtonians. I-2117 is not one of them. It’s a road to nowhere that doesn’t make sense for our state.

Let’s stand together to protect our transportation infrastructure, our environment, and our communities. Vote NO on Initiative 2117, and let’s continue moving Washington forward in the right direction.

Thank you for your attention to this critical issue. Together, we can ensure a brighter future for our state.

Washington and Alaska Citizens Call for Action on Cruise Ship Scrubber Pollution

The growing concern over the impact of cruise ships and other vessels on our precious marine ecosystems has reached a critical point, and I believe it’s time for decisive action.

In Yakutat, Alaska, Larry Bemis, a council member of the Yakutat Tribal Government and a lifelong fisherman, has been at the forefront of this fight. His voice represents the concerns of tribal governments across Southeast Alaska who are witnessing firsthand the threats to waters, habitats, and resources that have sustained Tlingit, Haida, and Tsimshian communities for generations.

Photo of Yakutat Courtesy of SeaAlaska

The use of exhaust gas cleaning systems, or scrubbers, on cruise ships has become a particular point of contention. These systems, while intended to reduce air pollution, are creating a new problem: the discharge of contaminated wastewater into our seas. This not only endangers seal populations but disrupts the delicate ecological balance that our local tribes depend on.

A study by the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) revealed alarming statistics. In 2017 alone, 30 scrubber-equipped ships dumped 35 million tonnes of contaminated wastewater near British Columbia, with 3.3 million tonnes discharged within the critical habitat of endangered Southern Resident orcas. Cruise ships were responsible for 90% of these discharges, many originating from Seattle on round-trip voyages to Canada and Alaska.

In Washington State, we’ve seen a groundswell of public support for stronger environmental protections. Organizations like Friends of the San Juans, Friends of the Earth, and have been pushing for national and state bans on scrubber discharges. Despite tens of thousands of citizens urging action, in August 2021, the Washington State Department of Ecology, the Port of Seattle, and the Cruise Lines International Association decided not to amend existing agreements related to scrubber wastewater discharges. This decision is deeply concerning and highlights the need for continued advocacy and pressure from our communities.

Photo Courtesy of Friends of the Earth

The challenges facing Alaska’s coastal ecosystems and Puget Sound are interconnected, and they demand a cohesive and robust environmental policy response. As your representative, I want to emphasize that the health of our marine environments directly affects not just wildlife, but the livelihoods and cultural heritage of our local communities.

From Yakutat to the San Juan Islands, our message is clear: protecting these vital ecosystems is not just an environmental concern—it’s crucial for preserving the foundations of indigenous identities and ways of life in Alaska and Washington State. We must find a way to balance economic interests with environmental stewardship to ensure that future generations inherit healthy and sustainable marine environments.

I call on all of us to take immediate action. We must push for stricter regulations on cruise ship discharges, invest in research to better understand the long-term impacts of these pollutants, and work collaboratively across state lines to implement comprehensive protection measures for our shared waters.

Together, we can make a difference. Let’s raise our voices, engage with our local and state officials, and demand the changes necessary to safeguard our precious marine ecosystems. The time for action is now, and I am committed to leading this fight for the benefit of our communities and the generations to come.

Safeguarding Washington’s Waters from Cruise Ship Wastewater Discharges

I’m pleased to update you on the significant progress we’ve made in protecting Washington’s precious marine environments through the recent updates to our Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with cruise lines operating in our waters.

Since 2004, this voluntary agreement has been a cornerstone of our efforts to prevent wastewater discharges from large cruise ships into Washington State’s waters. I’m proud to say that in 2024, we’ve taken bold steps to strengthen this commitment and ensure greater accountability.

The most notable change in the updated MOU is the shift in responsibility directly to the member cruise lines. While the Cruise Lines International Association North West & Canada (CLIA-NWC) is no longer a signatory, individual cruise lines have stepped up to take direct responsibility for the program. This change not only increases accountability but also ensures that those directly involved in cruise operations are financially responsible for the wastewater management program.

The geographical scope of this agreement remains comprehensive, covering critical areas such as Puget Sound, the Strait of Juan de Fuca south of the Canadian border, Washington’s Pacific Coast extending three miles seaward, and the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary. These are not just bodies of water; they are the lifeblood of our coastal communities and ecosystems.

Let me highlight some key provisions of this updated MOU:

  1. We’ve maintained a strict ban on wastewater discharges from cruise ships into Washington state waters. This is non-negotiable when it comes to protecting our marine environment.
  2. We’ve allowed for a narrow exception: discharges treated with advanced wastewater treatment systems (AWTS) may be permitted outside the Puget Sound No Discharge Zone. This ensures that any permissible discharges meet the highest environmental standards.
  3. Our Department of Ecology retains the right to inspect wastewater treatment systems on each vessel. This oversight is crucial for ensuring compliance and maintaining the integrity of our agreement.
  4. Cruise lines are now required to sample and monitor wastewater discharges from their ships. This self-monitoring adds an extra layer of accountability and demonstrates the industry’s commitment to environmental stewardship.

As your representative, I want to emphasize that this agreement is more than just words on paper. It represents our collective commitment to preserving the natural beauty and ecological health of Washington’s waters for future generations. It’s about balancing the economic benefits of tourism with our responsibility to protect our environment.

I’m particularly proud of how this agreement showcases Washington’s leadership in environmental protection. By engaging directly with cruise lines and setting high standards for wastewater management, we’re setting an example for other coastal states and regions around the world.

However, our work is far from over. As we move forward, we must remain vigilant and continue to adapt our policies to meet emerging challenges. Climate change and increasing maritime traffic pose ongoing threats to our marine ecosystems, and we must be prepared to respond.

I call on all Washingtonians to stay engaged with this issue. Your voice and your actions matter. Whether it’s supporting local conservation efforts, participating in community cleanups, or simply being mindful of your own impact on our waterways, every action counts.

Together, we can ensure that Washington’s waters remain clean, healthy, and vibrant for generations to come. This updated MOU is a significant step in the right direction, and I’m committed to building on this progress to secure an even brighter, cleaner future for our beloved Evergreen State.

Championing Tribal Sovereignty & Self-Determination

I’m thrilled to share with you the latest developments from the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians (ATNI) and the results of our recent convention and elections. This organization, which has been a cornerstone of tribal advocacy since 1953, continues to play a vital role in championing the rights and interests of our Native communities across the Pacific Northwest.

The 2024 ATNI Convention, held in the beautiful homeland of the Cowlitz Tribe at their ilani Casino and Resort, was a powerful gathering of tribal leaders from 57 Northwest Tribes. As we came together to address shared governance policies at the tribal, state, and federal levels, I was once again reminded of the strength we find in unity and collaboration.

I’m particularly excited to announce the results of our leadership elections. Our newly elected team brings a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to tribal sovereignty and self-determination:

  • President Leonard Forsman, Chairman of the Suquamish Tribe, will continue to lead ATNI with his visionary approach and unwavering dedication to our cause.
  • 1st Vice President Kris Peters, Chairman of the Squaxin Island Tribe, brings valuable insights and a strong voice for our communities.
  • 2nd Vice President Caj Matheson, Councilman of the Coeur d’Alene Tribe, adds his expertise and passion for tribal rights to our leadership team.
  • 3rd Vice President Mel Tonasket, Councilman of the Confederated Tribes of Colville Reservation, contributes his vast experience and commitment to our shared goals.
  • Assistant Secretary Charlene Tilloquats, Councilwoman for the Yakama Tribe, rounds out our team with her dedication and knowledge.

This leadership team represents the diverse voices of our member tribes and will guide ATNI as we continue to advocate for policies that honor our traditions and promote sustainable development for our communities.

As we move forward, ATNI remains steadfast in its mission to support the tribes of the Northwest. Our work is more crucial than ever as we navigate the complexities of modern governance while honoring our rich cultural heritage. We will continue to amplify the voices of our member tribes, ensuring that our unique cultural, social, and economic needs are met and our rights are protected.

I’m particularly proud of how ATNI serves as a platform for our tribal nations, amplifying our collective voice in discussions with federal and state governments, as well as private entities. This unified approach has been instrumental in shaping policies that uphold the rights of Native peoples and foster greater autonomy and prosperity for our communities.

As your representative and a proud member of this community, I want to emphasize the importance of our continued engagement and support for ATNI. The strength of this organization lies in our unity and shared commitment to the principles of tribal sovereignty and self-determination.

I encourage all of you to stay informed about ATNI’s initiatives and to participate in future conventions and events. Your voices and perspectives are crucial as we work together to shape a future that honors our past and creates opportunities for generations to come.

Together, we will continue to build on the legacy of ATNI, ensuring that our tribal communities thrive and our rights are respected. I look forward to working alongside our new leadership team and all of you as we move forward in this important work.