Happy Holidays on Fantastic Friday!

Published On: December 23, 2022Categories: Fantastic Fridays

Dear Friends, 

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

As our calendars wind down and we find ourselves looking ahead to 2023, it’s important that we take this time to take a great big deep breath. It’s so easy to get caught up looking ahead, planning for what we want to accomplish, places we want to go, people we want to see.

We have to make sure that we are able to take a step back and celebrate. This is the holiday season! It is a time to spend with family and loved ones, feeling all the joy that comes with being alive, and with living in this beautiful place we all call home!

This is the time of year that we gather together with those we care for the most, and I cannot wait to see my loved ones tomorrow for Christmas Eve, and Sunday for Christmas Day! From the bottom of my heart, I am so grateful to have each and every one of you in my corner, and I wish you nothing but the best as we move forward into 2023 and beyond.

This week we are also celebrating Hannukah! We’ll be celebrating the Festival of Lights through the weekend as well, with all of our fantastic holidays overlapping for celebration across the 40th LD, Washington State, and around the world!

From my family to yours, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas, and a Happy Hannukah!

While we gear up for the holiday weekend, I do want to take a moment today to shoutout some incredible young people doing great work in our community!

As the weather gets colder and the snow piles up, there are those around us who need some extra help. Whether that is help with grocery shopping and food delivery, cleaning up around the house, or – in like in my case – shoveling snow, it’s important that we look out for one another.

That’s why I want to shoutout these incredible young people for taking the initiative to help those around them! Thank you for your help in clearing snow around our neighborhoods, and for helping those who need it most!

Next week we’ll take a look back at 2022, highlighting some of the important stories that we discussed throughout the year. There are so many things I am excited to accomplish together in 2023, and I can’t wait to bring you along for the ride.

For now though, take this time to enjoy the company of those you love, and let them know how much you care for them!

I hope you all have a fantastic holiday weekend.

“Stay Safe, Stay Healthy”
Rep. Debra Lekanoff

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