Expressing Gratitude on Fantastic Friday

Published On: May 1, 2020Categories: Fantastic Fridays

Dear Friends, 

Thank you to everyone who attended the virtual kickoff of my first re-election campaign last night!

The event was a tremendous success, and it was so great to sit down and hear from all of you, while getting the chance to answer some of your questions. I am always honored and humbled by all the support you continue to show. It was a great way to virtually connect with each other and find community as we all continue to look out for one another by staying home. If you missed it, you can still watch it on my Facebook page here

Thank you to Crina Hoyer and Kirsten Barron for co-hosting the event and, as always, bringing multiple smiles to my face. They are such incredible women who never fail to inspire me, and I can’t wait for the next episode of their podcast! I also want to give a special shout-out to Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson! Thank you for joining us last night, and for all that you do for our great State.

It means the world to me that you are putting your trust in me for our future. My campaign is just getting started, and there are so many ways that you can get involved.

Every dollar counts, and every donation goes a long way to showing how strong we are together. Click here to donate.

We’ll be virtually ringing doorbells and phone banking this year, and we’d love to count on your help! Click here to volunteer.

Your support means the world to me, and your endorsement would go beyond words. I would love to have your name next to mine, and proudly say that you stand with me. Click here to endorse me.

Keep reading for more!

“Stay Home, Stay Healthy,” 

Rep. Lekanoff

Stay At Home Order Extended

We are all feeling the strain of staying home in order to stay safe these days. Like many of you, I miss my friends, I miss my favorite restaurants, and most of all I miss sitting down and talking to you. But I understand that this is a necessary sacrifice, and I fully support Governor Inslee’s decision to extend the “stay at home” order past Monday, May 4.

All of us in the People’s House and Senate are working hard to make sure we follow the public health data and slowly phase back into our economy in the safest way possible. Alongside Rep. Shewmake and Rep. Springer, I am part of the Economic Resilience and Business Recovery Team, a small group of legislators working with the Governor’s Office to strategize on how we can safely and slowly reopen Washington’s businesses and re-enter public life.

Any decisions on reopening Washington’s businesses and public life must stem from science and the advice of experts. This is a difficult time, and I want to extend my sincerest thank you to all of you who are making sacrifices to care for each other and yourselves by staying home. We must move into this next phase of recovery with caution, and I am committed to ensuring that every decision is made with your health and safety in mind.

COVID-19 Resources and Links

There is an abundance of uncertainty these days, but there are a number of great resources that have been put together for you. Check the links below for your county, or for the state, and as always please feel free to reach out to me directly at [email protected].


Unemployment benefits, health insurance, businesses, schools



Drive-Thru Testing available now!

San Juan

Intalco Works Aluminum Smelter Closure

Last week, the Alcoa Corporation announced that it will close the Intalco Works smelter near Ferndale, with the closure expected to be complete by the end of July. This is a truly heartbreaking loss of 700 jobs in Whatcom county.

We stand with the Intalco workers, those who will lose work indirectly due to the closure, and the unions that represent them. Our state has worked hard to help this smelter keep its doors open, but without further federal assistance Intalco was unable to remain in business for now.

We have seen this small company located in rural NW Washington grow their company’s capacity to be an economic staple, and to operate with environmental integrity. Their commitment to community and families is rooted in the generational jobs that have passed down throughout the Whatcom area. In these trying times we stand with our workers, families and communities to find pathways to ease the impact.

Don’t Forget To Fill Out The Census!

Every ten years we count every person in this country, which  has tremendous impacts across all facets of the United States. From representation in Congress to apportionment of federal funds, the 2020 Census will be incredibly important as we move into the future.

So be sure your voice is heard! You matter, and you count. Spend 10 minutes filling out your census online today to take care of the future in the next 10 years to come.